Ramjanki Tole, Dhangadhi 2 Kailali, Nepal

About Us


If you are searching for an international standardized school of academic excellence, Glee can be the best choice in province 7 which is established with certain aims and objectives. The school believes in holistic development of a student. Empowerment of each child at all levels by meeting the intellectual and emotional needs of the child is our topmost priority. Glee aims at developing the self-confidence and analytical skills in students. A great emphasis is given to discipline and manners. I firmly believe that our students experience a unique learning environment, and feel a difference. We have a team of highly qualified and experienced faculty and academic administrators, who are always concerned about students’ academic performance and their overall development. We focus on providing students with the education of an international standard supported by the state-of-the-art facilities and technologies. We have plans to introduce higher level courses and some international programmes in the near future. I would encourage our guardians, parents, students, well-wishers and other stakeholders to be part of this journey.


"Enter to Learn, Leave to Achieve", is the mooto of the school, which means education makes one free from false believes, superstitious etc. And makes human progress. Apart from fulfilling its primary aim to academic achievement, equal emphasis will be given to moral, social and cultural classes for the all round development of the student.


School commences each day at 9:45 AM and breaks for lunch for 25mins, with 10 mins toilet time but during Baishakh, Jestha and Ashadh school communes each day at 6AM to 12Noon. Classes are held 6 days a week. The children specially of primary level who manage themselves to come to school need to be received at the end of each day at the school get 5mins before the classes finally terminate for the day. Students are not allowed to leave the school premises during the school hrs without permission of the principal.


For promotion, student must not fail in English and any major subjects. Student must attend the pass marks of 40% in all their subjects. A student failing in a particular class for two consecutive years will have to be withdrawn.


All in all the school will monitor the emergence of student well equipped not only to improve their own lot and that of the society but also to address in the best possible manners, the various personal socail and moral problems with this complex human life has in-abundance. Towards this end, lessons and institutions, which will ensure blooming forth of a child into a worthy citizen, on whom the immediate society and nation can be proud of, will be imparted. Great importance is given to discipline and emphasis is laid on a very high standard of class conduct and personal behaviour.